
St. Louis School is a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 school located in Keewatin, Ontario. The school is situated in a quiet residential area and in close proximity to St. Louis Parish Church. The school accommodates 177 students and is an English track school with French taught as a second language.

At St. Louis School we welcome students to experience a quality, inclusive and values-based education in a caring Catholic school community. Faith values are infused in all aspects of the school culture and the child's learning.

Our teachers and support staff take the time to really get to know each student to create a sense of community within the school. The students emulate this positive attitude and sense of community. Each staff member brings a special skill and talent that extends our students' experience.

At St. Louis School we are very blessed with a supportive and caring parent/guardian community. The school is closely tied with the St. Louis Parish Church where we celebrate mass together. We have a large number of parents who take on many tasks in the school.

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